At the infancy of the United Nations, the group came together and made a declaration of what it saw as universal human rights. Now whether you or I agree or track with the current UN leadership, I thought that the original thoughts/intent of the UN bore sharing. Basically, the six rights were…
1. Life is better than death
2. Health is better than sickness
3. Liberty is better than slavery
4. Prosperity is better than poverty
5. Education is better than ignorance
6. Justice is better than injustice
Not bad. In fact, I could get behind an organization that would live by/promote these very issues. Too bad that time changes things, people and values change and cultures drift.
What if we took those six items above and applied them to say an evangelical Christian "spiritual" declaration of human rights? We of course would acknowledge that the greatest right (as well as privilege) is to know our Creator God through His infinite mercy/wisdom in His One and Only Son, Jesus. Along with this we would declare…
1. Life is better than death…and He came that we might live life and live it more abundantly.
2. Health is better than sickness…for we are to fear the Lord, turn away from evil so that healing will find our bodies and strength given to our bones.
3. Liberty is better than slavery…and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
4. Prosperity is better than poverty…He has set before us a choice of life and prosperity over death and disaster.
5. Education is better than ignorance…but the Counselor, the Holy Sprit will teach you all things.
6. Justice is better than injustice…and what is it the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness and walk humbly with your God.
Maybe I have to rethink my opinion of the UN. Or maybe I have to think of the UN in a Kingdom perspective.
Your thoughts?