Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Time to Sit and Rest...

I heard a great devotion this morning. We walked through the fourth chapter of John and the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. The devotion leader took it verse by verse and brought out some great truths to a story that I had read time and time again but missed.

One thing that really spoke to me was the truth that he shared from John 4:6. It's at the first of the story, the place I'm usually rushing through to get to the "meat" of the main story. That's why I often miss God's simple messages.

The story goes that Jesus leaves Judea to go to Galilee and passes through Samaria along the way. It is technically "enemy" territory that he is passing through. The Samaritan's are not mortal enemies, but they are much lesser than the Jews because they are considered to be a mixed breed. No "good Jew" would be caught dead talking to a Samaritan.

However, as Jesus came to the town of Sychar near the property that Jacob had given his son Joseph and as He approached Jacob's well, the Word of God makes a simple statement that is easy to miss saying...

"...and Jesus, worn out from His journey, sat down at the well."

Our devotional leader camped a bit on this verse and said to our group,...

"When you're weary from the journey, sit down by the well...Jesus did."

I don't know if you're like me, but I tend to live life in a feverish panting swirl of activity. If I'm not doing something that I consider significant for God, I feel as if I'm maybe less worthy than I should be. However, it is comforting and chastising to me to know that even Jesus got tired and sat down from time to time. Not only did he sit down at the well, he sat down in the perfect place for God the Father to use Him in order to speak into the life of a woman who was coming to draw water but was deeply hurt to her core by the burdens and choices of her life.

I don't know about you but I need to sit down by the well more. I need to sit down and let God show me His next step and His next plan for my life.

Have you been in enemy territory lately? Are you a bit weary? Why not take a seat at the well? You and I might find some living water...

(Note: Thank you, Elbert, for allowing God to speak through you to me)

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