Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Revelation on Transformation...

As I was reading through 2 Corinthians this morning, the Word of God spoke out to me and I jotted down a simple, but (at least to me), profound thought on transformation.

When we look at doing community development (e.g. helping the poor, hungry, homeless, those in need, etc.), we often talk of transformation of individuals and communities alike. Our goal generally is to see people and their surroundings "transformed" to become models and reflections of God's true plan for their lives and communities. Moreover, in a missions perspective, we see this as a step towards God's kingdom coming and His will being done on earth as it leads towards heaven.

In 2 Corinthians chapters 3 to 5, the Apostle Paul gives a encapsulation of true transformation. He keeps it all focused in the purpose of God making His glory known but personalizes it as to how it involves us both as being changed ourselves and acting as His change agent. So, here is the summary truth I gleaned from my devotion time this morning...

God's purpose: To make His glory known

* We are to become God's 'living letters' of God's message produced by the Spirit of God (3:1-3)
* We are to become transformed into the image of Jesus mainly by looking at God's glory in Jesus (3:17-18)
* As we are transformed into the image of Christ, we do not proclaim ourselves but Jesus as Lord (4:5-6)
* Our treasure in jars of clay is really His Spirit and His power. The treasure exists in us not just as a benefit to us but again to make His glory known (4:7-10)
* We know all of this to be true and can be certain of the future (even though the transformation is still in a process) because of the deposit of His Spirit in us (5:5-10)
* His Spirit moving, living, breathing and doing His work of transformation in us, compels us to make Him known (5:13-15)
* And all of this is done (His Spirit dwelling in us and transforming us from the inside out) to lead us into His chosen ministry for us - the ministry of reconciliation - whereby we plead with others through word and deed, "be reconciled to God!"

Summary: God desires to transform us into the image of His Son not for our glory but for His and His purpose. As we are in the process of transformation, God's work in us to becoming like Him, we are given the ministry of reconciliation - to call others to be restored to God. The tools of our reconciliation ministry are found in both the words we speak and the deeds we do. And all is done to make Him and His glory known among the nations.

Paul summarized, "...whatever you do, do everything for God's glory." (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Living for Christ - Transformation - Living Christ - Ministry of Reconciliation - All for His Glory...

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