Monday, November 12, 2012

The Touch of Jesus...

I am once again back in the New Testament in my devotions. This morning, I enjoyed visiting with Matthew (the book of Matthew) and perusing through the first nine chapters.

I made some underlines of previously underlined passages and was struck anew by the actions of Jesus as He started his earthly ministry. In particular, as I re-read the healing passages, I kept seeing phrases such as...

"Reaching out His hand, He touched him..." to a leper. (Matthew 8:3)

"So He touched her hand..." to Peter's mother-in-law. (Matthew 8:15)

"If I can just touch His robe..." said a lady who had suffered bleeding for 12 years. (Matthew 9:21)

"He went in and took her by the hand..." preceded the healing of a girl near death. (Matthew 9:25)

"The He touched their eyes..." and the blind could see. (Matthew 9:29)

I am always struck by the fact that Jesus over and over touches people, physically as well as spiritually, where they are hurting. The lepers skin...the eyes of the blind...the hand of a girl near death. There is something compelling of our Savior not just speaking truth (which He does so well) into the lives of the hurting and needy but also touching them, physically, in the areas of their deepest, darkest needs.

I have never personally experienced the healing touch of Jesus for a major issue like cancer, an unhealed wound, or a sickness leading to death. I am truly fortunate and favored to have lived a relatively healthy and sound life. However, I have experienced the deepest touch of all from Jesus - the touch or his Spirit in my heart.

Isn't it amazing that all of us who claim to follow Christ have been touched and utterly healed of our sin-stricken soul? Once, we were aliens and hostile to God and deserving of death. And now, because of the amazing touch of Jesus on our hearts and lives, we can stand before him as cleansed lepers, seeing blind people and dead ones now brought back to life!

Thank you Lord for Your touch of grace!


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